Our Rooms

Active Explorers Central Park has two separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.

Little Kiwis

Our spacious and welcoming infant area caters for our birth to 2 year olds and is a safe and nurturing space where children have the freedom to explore. There is a separate area for babies under 1, as well as a separate sleep room.
Daily Routine

7:30 am: Centre opens
Breakfast for the early children
Setting up of the room for the day

8:30 am: Free flow play and exploration

9:00 am: Morning tea

9:30 am: Bottle time and morning sleeps for our pepi (babies)

10:00 am: Activities set up for the children

10:45 am: Nappy changing (tini to kope)

11:00 am: Group waiata (songs), karakia, then lunch

11:30 am: Sleep time
Play time for the pepi (babies)
Kai time

1:30 pm: Afternoon bottle time and sleep time for our babies

2:00 pm: Kai time

2:30 pm: Nappy changing

3:00 pm: Free play and tidy up

4:00 pm: Late snack and late bottles
Free play
Tidy up time

6:00 pm: Centre closes

Here at Active Explorers Central Park we recognise children’s individuality and are flexible with our routines to accommodate each child’s individual needs.

Clever Keas

Our Clever Keas are our 2 to 5 year olds, and their home away from home is a spacious and vibrant space that also has a beautiful partially covered outdoor area. That means kids can get outside regardless of the Auckland weather!

Daily Routine

7:30 am: Drop off
Free play/gross motor play

9:20 am: Tidy up time

9:30 am: Morning tea

10:00 am: Inside/outside activities

11:30 am: Mat time

11:45 am: Lunch

12:30 pm: Sleep time/quiet time activities

1:30 pm: Outdoor play

2:00 pm: Wake time for our sleepers

2:20 pm: Clean up time

2:30 pm: Mat time

2:45 pm: Afternoon tea

3:15 pm: Indoor/outdoor activities

4:00 pm: Start of going home time

4:30 pm: Inside activities

6:00 pm: Centre closes

Here at Active Explorers Central Park we recognise children’s individuality and are flexible with our routines to accommodate each child’s individual needs.