Our Rooms
We have four separate rooms, each catering for a specific age and stage of development
Kakano Room
Designed for our tamariki aged 3 months to walking. As per our centre philosophy, tamariki are active participants in their learning and routines. We provide unhurried, uninterrupted opportunities for tamariki to explore and we actively observe their needs. We embrace free movement and offer heuristic play resources and safe climbing equipment to satisfy our infants’ natural desire to explore and test themselves. We communicate our expectations, appreciate and admire what tamariki are doing. We facilitate their learning thorough making changes to our room environment.
In Kakano room we follow a basic daily routine incorporating the routine that tamariki are used to from home as much as possible.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are all offered based around individual sleep routines. We say karakia and wipe hands before food is offered. A hot meal for lunch is prepared fresh from the kitchen when tamariki have woken up.
Daily Routine
7:30 am: Centre opens
Toast available and free play in Koru Room
8:00 am: Kakano children move into their own room
9:00 am: Morning tea and bottles given
9:30 am: Free play/prepare sleepers for morning nap
11:00 am: Lunch time
11:30 am: Free play
12:30 am: Prepare sleepers for afternoon nap
2:00 pm: Afternoon tea and bottles given
4:00 pm: Kakano Room closes and children join up with Koru Room
Free play
4:45 pm: Late snack
5:45 pm: Centre closes
Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible. Nappy changes are done two hours after children arrive and every three hours after that unless needed sooner. We try to mirror our children’s needs to meet their routines at home.

Koru Room
This room is equipped for children aged walking to 2 years. Safe climbing equipment gives toddlers the chance to practice climbing and build physical strength, and there are plenty of opportunities for painting, drawing, water play, messy play, play dough and other sensory activities. The room routine is flexible to meet children’s needs and a variety of learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible depending on their individual needs.
Daily Routine
7:30 am: Centre opens
Toast available and free play in Koru Room
8:00 am: Kakano children move into their own room
9:15 am: Rolling morning tea
9:30 am: Free play
11:00 am: Lunch time
11:30 am: Rest time/Sleepers nap
2:00 pm: Rolling afternoon tea
4:00 pm: Kakano Room closes and children join up with Koru Room
Free play
4:45 pm: Late snack
5:45 pm: Centre closes
This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs and learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible depending on their needs.
Rakau Room
Our Rakau Room is where our children aged 2 to 3.5 years strive to become independent thinkers and learners. Experiences in this room are child-initiated, with endless opportunities to explore and experiment. This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs and learning experiences are provided throughout the day.
Daily Routine
7:30 am: Centre opens
Toast available and free play in Rakau Room
9:30 am: Morning tea
9:45 am: Free play
11:30 am: Lunch time
12:00 pm: Rest time/sleepers nap
12:30 pm: Free play
2:30 pm: Afternoon tea
4:00 pm: Ngahere Room closes and children join up with Rakau Room
Free play
4:45 pm: Late snack
5:45 pm: Centre closes
This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs and learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Nappy changes are done two hours after children arrive and every three hours after that unless needed sooner.
Ngahere Room
This room caters for our children aged 3.5 to 5 years, readying them for their transition into primary school. A daily routine is followed, and children learn responsibility, understanding their limits, and social skills such as sharing and taking turns. This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs and learning experiences are provided throughout the day.
Daily Routine
7:30 am: Centre opens
Toast available and free play in Rakau Room
8:00am: Ngahere Room children move into their own room
Free play
9:45 am: Morning tea
10:00 am: Free play
11:30 am: Mat time
11:45 am: Lunch time
12:15 pm: Rest time/sleepers nap
12:45 pm: Table top time/free play
2:30 pm: Afternoon tea
4:00 pm: Ngahere Room closes and children join up with Rakau Room
Free play
5:00 pm: Late snack
5:45 pm: Centre closes
This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs and learning experiences are provided throughout the day.